Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Photography is something that I've always enjoyed. With my HS graduation money I bought a camera with part of the gift money I was given. My little Pentax served me well for many years. Then came the digital years and I rebelled. You see by then I had kids and there was no way those slow camera's were working for me- by the time I pressed the button to capture the moment the kids were gone and I was taking a picture of empty space. I had one or two experiences with point and shoot digital camera's that resulted in me giving them to my kids and I bought a Canon Elan 7NE film camera. I loved it. Then my husband was going off to Alaska fishing and there was no way he was taking my camera so I bought him a Panasonic the day he was leaving and told him to take pictures. He did and the camera was a great find. Finally it was what I wanted and needed a point and shoot to be. Last year when we were planning our trip to Disneyland I told Bill the one thing that concerned me was taking film thru x rays and airports. I've heard horror stories of people coming back from a wonderful vacation and having no pictures to show for it. That's when I got serious about a digital SLR and after much study and a trip to the camera store to see how my choices felt in hand I bought a Nikon D80. I haven't touched my film SLR since. I LOVE IT. Then of course came the need and burning desire to know how to use it... I mean why have it if I can't make it do what I want and use it to it's full potential. I'm also a big fan of photo journalistic family photography. I hated traditional posed photo's and it just made so much more sense to capture life as it was happening instead of creating it or making it look too created. I will admit there is some posing still in this type of photography but it's so much different. So much more artistic and I love thinking up ideas.

I'm learning, though I know I have a long way to go... That's the perfectionist in me. I want to give the potential client the best I possibly can. Where it will go- who knows. I would love to be able to make money doing this because you know the saying- do what you love and love what you do but I also know the other side of the coin and that's when you have a hobby you love and make it a business you no longer have time to do what you just want to do for the love of it. Time will tell and so will how far my skills and knowledge grow.
Here's a few more of my favorites...

1 comment:

MiCo said...

Wow- you're seriously talented! These photos are breathtaking!